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If you're interested in a unique art piece, don't hesitate to contact me. I'm happy to create something that meets your specific needs! Please provide the following details:

  • Estimated size
  • Preferred colors


Are you a fan of my work? Let's discuss working together! I'm passionate about collaborating with like-minded individuals.

Together, we can create something truly special. Whether it's a custom art piece or a joint project, I believe that collaboration is key to making something truly unique and beautiful. So if you have an idea in mind or simply want to explore the possibilities, don't hesitate to reach out. I look forward to hearing from you and working together to create something amazing!

About the artist

My name is Elsa Weldemariam recently moved to Montreal from Sweden.My journey as an artist started in 1997 in my high school years.

I went to art school and was awarded at regional high school art competition for my works. Even though most of my professional life I worked as a social worker, I tried to find a way to incorporate art. one of the ways was, I used art therapy during my counseling session with children and youth to help them build their confidence and communicate their feelings.

In the beginning I used water color but shifted to acrylic later. Currently I mostly do mixed media arts, I use fabrics, modeling paste, glue, sand, acrylic and air dry clay.So far I was able to share my artworks through solo and group exhibitions, Texture Art teaching sessions  and collaboration project such as "The Infinity Project" with Tires Lieu Montréal. It focuses on using recycled materials in arts, as my work is more focused on using recycled materials and environmental friendly products.

My inspiration comes from natures shapes, movements and textures. The artworks that I create has an illusion of three-dimensional surfaces and shapes that can be seen and felt. I intend to inspire peoples senses with artworks that are more realistic, immersive and engaging. 

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